For more than 20 years I have been successfully working as a project manager, technical director, show caller or stage manager. Since 2017 I have been self-employed with Tukioplan and have been able to support existing and new customers across Europe. Feel free to decide what you would need, either you hand over a project and I will support you in all areas of project management, or alternatively, you can hand over only certain areas of your project and I will help you saving valuable time. Customers describe me as professional, calm, direct and appreciate the way I approach all involved people such as clients, speakers, organizers, agencies etc. My experience with international clients help to always find the right tone in every situation, to understand the various needs and to offer a unique service. You are looking for support in project management, then please contact me.


As a show caller, I am responsible for coordinating all actions at a live event, coordinating each presentation with the speakers and knowing what should happen visibly or invisibly at what time. For virtual events, the show caller is even more important because the attendee’s focus is just a monitor and many more details have to be considered. Part of my pre-planning is a document with all the important details of the meeting and we fill this together on-site. The final step is to translate the content into a cues, easy to understand for all crew. In case your client is not sure about the overall flow, I’m happy to help to make your meeting a success. Are you looking for a show caller who is independent, communicative, detailed and prepares every show with a lot of commitment then just send me a message or give me a call.


The complexity of graphic switchers has increased significantly in recent years and it is no longer sufficient to define the right device by the type and number of inputs and outputs. Efficient use of the right resources determines the size and capacity of the graphic switcher utilized, a hugely important part of pre-planning any event. As a video operator, I will help you with the preliminary video planning of your meeting, evaluate potential problems and recommend solutions in advance to support a smooth visual experience. I have mainly specialized in devices from the AnalogWay series. Send me a short message and I’ll be happy to help you with your next program.


A concept and the idea of a meeting should be understandable at all times and realistic visualizations are indispensable for the majority of events. This is exactly where I can support you and although the field of 3D modeling and visualization is relatively young for Tukioplan (about 5 years), I have already been able to plan and visualize several events conceptually and, as a last step, turned those into real programs. As an event designer I concentrate exclusively on the event industry and would be happy to support your next program. It may be a small area that needs to be visualized or why not thinking big, let’s create a design for an innovative overall concept. Write a short message and we will discuss your ideas together.


The CAD planning is the field that I have always done together with the project management, starting with AutoCAD and now primarily working with Vectorworks. One of the most important tasks as a planner is the mechanical functionality of any kind of equipment installed on the ground or flown, its correct position as well as the safe installation in accordance with EU standards. Once installed we continue to bring the event to life using lighting, sound, effects and video. So, first we give everyone a safe feeling and then we are happy to inspire the viewer. Are you looking for a CAD planner who will provide temporary support, who will reliably complete planning tasks, who will work with your templates and your CI, and who willingly takes on new challenges? Send me a short message and I will call you back.


Are you planning a permanent installation, are you expected to create schematics or signal flows for an existing installation or would you like to plan the signal flow of an event in detail? I am happy to create a professional and efficient signal flow for your audio or/and video installation and I will export a suitable cable list including cable type and length or the corresponding device list. Those details will definitely support you with international events, where subsequent deliveries are not possible and local orders have an unplanned impact on the budget. Plan your project with the greatest possible security and do not rely on random quantities of cables and backup equipment. Write me a short message and I’ll get in touch with you.


Are you planning and organizing international meetings? Would you like a reliable independent source checking feasibility, planning all technical aspects and helping with the visualization of the overall meeting? Please get in touch and send us a short notice, we will respond via e-mail or call you back.